I-495-SB-Andover-Ex 40, I-93 SB
I-495-ME-Lowell-Ex 37, Woburn St
I-90-EB-Charlton-@ MSP C10 East
I-495-NB-Lowell-Ex 35, Lowell Connector SB
I-495-NB-Haverhill-after Exit 49 Rt 113
I-495-NB-Haverhill-after Exit 50 Rt 97
I-91-SB-W. Springfield-Exit 13 Rt 5, Riverdale St
I-91-ME-W. Springfield-@ I-90
Rt28-NB-Bourne-@ rotary
I-495-NB-Marlborough-Ex 25 I-290
93 N 0.3 CCTV AX 5 - North
I-495-SB-Littleton-Ex 31 Rt 119
I-95-NB-Danvers-north of Rt 1 SB Br
I-495-SB-Marlborough-Ex 25 I-290
I-495-SB-Haverhill-Exit 51 Rt 125 Main St
93 N, MM 0.3 - North
I-93-ME-Boston-before Exit 18 a
I-495-NB-Franklin-Exit 17 Rt 140
I-495-NB-Littleton-Ex 29 Rt 2 EB
I-495-NB-Boxborough-Ex 28 Rt 111
Rt3-SB-Chelmsford-After Exit 30 I-495
I-495-NB-Lowell-Ex 35 Rt 3SB & I-495NB
Rt25-NB-Bourne-south of Bourndale Rd
Rt28-NB-Bourne-north side of Bourne Rotary
I-90-EB-Chicopee-Exit 6 Rt 291
I-495-SB-Raynham-@ Rt 138 overpass
I-495-SB-Tewksbury-Ex38, Rt 38
I-495-NB-Marlborough-Ex 23
I-495-SB-Andover-@ Beacon St
I-495-NB-Chelmsford-@ Carlisle St
I-90-EB-Hopkinton-Exit 11A I-495
I-495-SB-Chelmsford-Ex 34 Rt 110
I-495-SB-Westford-Ex 32 Boston Rd
128-NB-Danvers-Ex 24 @ Endicott St.
I-90-EB-Framingham-Exit 12
I-195-EB-New Bedford-@ Ex16B Washburn St.
I-495-SB-Chelmsford-@ Rt 4 North St
I-93-ME-Boston-@ exit to HOV-E
I-91-ME-Greenfield-Exit 26 Greenfield
I-495-NB-Tewksbury-Ex 39, Rt 133
I-95-NB-Canton-Exit 1 I-93
I-90-WB-Framingham-West of Edgell Rd [TZ-9]
I-495-SB-Methuen-0.5 mile before Ex 46 Rte 110
I-495-NB-Bolton-Ex 27 Rt 117
I-90-EB-Sturbridge-After x9 Rt 84 merge
I-495-ME-Southboro-@ Rt 30 Main St
I-95-SB-Reading-Exit 37B I-93
I-495-SB-Bellingham-after Exit 18 Rt 126
I-495-NB-Berlin-Ex 26 Rt 62
Rt28-SB-Bourne-@ merge north of Rt 6
I-91-SB-Northampton-N King St & RR
I-95/128-SB-Burlington-Exit 33 Rt 3A
I-495-SB-Milford-Exit 20 Rt 85
I-495-SB-Berlin-Ex 26 Rt 62
I-90-WB-Chicopee-@ Exit 5
I-495-SB-Mansfield-@ Rt 140 Main St
I-495-NB-Marlborough-Ex 24 Rt 20
Rt9-WB-Northampton-@ Damon Rd
I-95-ME-Dedham-Exit 15 Rt 1
Rt3-SB-Braintree-south of I-93 split
Rt2-WB-Lexington-@ Exit 52B I-95
I-93-NB-Quincy-b/w x7 & x8
I-90-EB-Blandford-@ Maint. Facility [TZ-2]
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